Here you can see a standard KW wind tunnel the has been raised up and plugged into the Connector. A solid Platform needs to be made to support it. That's todays project. Lets see how it goes.
So the next piece of the wind tunnel puzzle is the Platform. This part will allow the standard size KW wind tunnel to be raised up and centered in the wind stream from the 72" Mega Storm fan. No model for this just a sketch to go by. The Platform will strong and heavy being made out of 3/4" MDO plywood. It will also fold flat for shipping and storage.After cutting all the necessary parts it was time for assembly. Here you can see the 2x2 pieces attached to the ends to allow for clearance of the sides when they are folded in. This is similar to the design of the Connector.Oh and it was going so well. Every little thing counts. Here you can see that the side piece needs to be notched so as to clear the spine of the hinge when it closes. Good news is that now I know exactly where the notches need to go.
Not a big deal and a pretty easy fix.
Gees did not see this problem coming. The adjustable draw clamps that will hold the sides interfered with the hinge spine also. Had to move them. Lucky I tried the first one before I mounted all four.
There is a sequence that needs to be followed when folding down the sides so I may have to place numbers and notes to indicate that on the side pieces. Here the front and back have been folded and the first side covers them.
With the bottom folded up a ratchet strap will need to be put on to hold them in place so it can be put on a furniture dolly if you want to move it when folded for storage.
Just one more piece to go, the Test Chamber.
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