Friday, May 24, 2019

Cambodia Roll #86

This roll from Steve Koehler. Steve and his wife Sandy do a lot to work with Habitat for Humanity. Steve wrights, "It's been quite an adjustment coming back (to Wisconsin) to this weather for sure. We were building houses in 100 degree + weather when we were in Phnom Penh. The families were very appreciative of our efforts as the rainy season will be starting soon. Woodworking with basic hand tools, crosscut saws, hammers, chisels, cleaning and nailing bamboo strips for the floor, mixing concrete/motar and laying bricks for the outhouse were what we used making the basic structure you see in the photos. We purchased the tape (made in China) at a central Market from a vendor (who signed and dated it inside the roll) which was a short Tuk Tuk ride from the hotel lodgings. We find the Duct Tape acquisitions a fun Scavenger Hunt for us when traveling. Our next trip is to Tanzania and Zanzibar. I know Zanzibar is Technically part of Tanzania, but would entertain your input as to weather we should be on the lookout for a roll from the island."

You go for it Steve! Who can resist a roll from Zanzibar? Just saying Zanzibar. It make a persons mind travel. Happy Duct Tape hunting. And looks like you are doing some great work with Habitat.

Your 1 of 200 World Duct Tape Collection has been engraved and is in the mail. Many thanks.

Dick Anderson - Darlington, Wisconsin. - Keeper of the World Duct Tape Collection

Up next, the story of roll # 68 from Togo and the three year journey. A good OM (Odyssey to the Mind) tale.