Sunday, December 11, 2016

Tape in all forms for World Duct Tape collection

This "roll" from Morocco came in the form of a strip of tape that was given to the Sonsollas while on a trip in 2015. It was attached to a card by a merchant at the market in Marrakesh and signed in arabic. Roll number 67 for the collection. This was their 8th roll for the World Duct Tape Collection!

Steve Koehler, a Chi Lambda '75 fraternity brother from college got roll number 66 while on a mission trip to Nepal helping rebuild after the April 2015 earthquake there. He had his picture taken with the owner of the store where he bought it.  In the picture you can see the photo, Duct Tape coin, Log book entry and his roll. I sent the engraved coin and a list of all the countries we have to date to Steve this week so he can keep the collection in mind as he and his wife travel.

Here is a picture of the back side of coin #58. This one was engraved and will be sent to Deana Holvorson in Dodgeville. My wife attends the same church as Deana and they had an exchange student living with them in 2015 and had him get this roll sent to him from Finland.

So if you are reading this blog or know of a friend that is traveling check out the listing of countries I already have in my May 29, 2014 blog post. Send me a roll of tape from a new country for the collection and I will send them an "official" (one of two hundred) World Duct Tape coin.

1 comment:

  1. So excited to get your message! Just as happy as I am to have helped with the at sea portions of the collection.
