With the new school year getting started the story about this roll should help get OM'ers back into the swing of things. Problem : Compare and contrast the 4462 meters below sea level this roll and styrofoam cup were. To the 205 miles above sea level, the Duct Tape from the ISS and signed by 15 astronauts.
In 2007 Turtle Haste, a science teacher in Albuquerque, NM (that I got to know while I was working to get a roll of Duct Tape from Phil Jacobsen in Antarctica, another story for later) went on a one week trip for teachers with NOAA that summer. She knew about the Duct Tape from the ISS and in true OM fashion came up the idea to send a roll down on the CTD (Conductivity - Temperature - Depth recorder) that the ship used for its research.
Here you can see the CTD scientific instrument and I say that because this thing takes extremely accurate readings of electrical conductivity, temperature and depth. No idea how expensive it is but would think plenty! Anyhow below the cylinders you can see a mesh bag loaded with "stuff" that the teachers wanted to see what the pressure at the bottom would do to it. Sounds like great OM fun.
Here is the roll of Duct Tape that Turtle sent down 4462 meters below sea level plus several styrofoam cups.
Flat Stanley? If you turn your head you can see two cups that were exposed to the ocean pressure at 4462 meters next to a regular cup. How much pressure? Well for every 10.06 meters down, the pressure increases by 14.5 psi (1 bar). So have some "serious fun" and figure it out then when someone asks you what you did this summer you will have something unique to tell them. Thanks to Turtle Haste, a teacher in Albuquerque, NM and a roll of Duct Tape!
This was so much fun! We tried a cooler the next time and it turned into a mini thing!