Saturday, May 19, 2018

Heading to the 2018 OM World Finals

If you are reading this post it is a good bet that you are following a green Dodge Ram pick-up truck with plastic wrapped cargo. The World Duct Tape collection on its way to the Odyssey of the Mind 2018 World Finals in Ames, Iowa May 23 - 26. Where over 40,000 kids from all over the U.S. and many world countries will compete to solve problems and make memories to last a lifetime. They will also be doing some serious pin trading and that is where I in true OM fashion have take the path less traveled. I am collecting rolls of Duct Tape from all 200+ countries of the world. To date I have the rolls from 80 world countries and the stories to go with them.  For the latest list of rolls in the collection just visit the blog  ducttape2thefuturelist.blogspot

There are many stories and pictures about the World Duct Tape collection on this blog read on and enjoy a story or two. Maybe you can get a roll from a country I do not have and send it to me.  If not maybe I'll see you in Ames!


  1. I'd follow that truck if I saw it!

    1. Yes, and you are one of those teachers that make all the difference in the world and the education that the people you come into contact with get.
