Thursday, April 5, 2018

Bahrain announces its largest oil. gas find and Duct Tape roll #80

And here is a picture of that roll of Duct Tape from Bahrain! Fellow OM'er Steven Lewarn has a co-worker in Bahrain that got the roll and brought it with him to Canada where he gave it to another co-worker that brought it to Steven during a visit to New Jersey. Steven sent the roll in a nice gold box that arrived in the mail while me grand children were here for Easter. When they got it out of the mailbox they were very excited and wanted to know the whole story about the World Duct Tape Collection. 

Pictured with the roll of Duck Tape from Bahrain is Steven's engraved 1 of 200 Duct Tape coin that I will bring with me to OM World's this year in Ames Iowa and give it to him there. You too could get one of these rare coins. Just check the list of countries I already have rolls from at.  ducttape2thefuturelist.blogspot  Get a roll from a country not on the list and send it to me with your story and I'll send you a 1 of 200 Duct Tape coin engraved with the name of your country, the date and roll number in the collection.

Dick Anderson.  11672 Center Hill Rd.   Darlington, WI. 53530

P.S. The off shore discovery in the Khalij al-Bahrain Basin covering 770 square miles in shallow waters of the country's western coast of 80 billion barrels of shale oil is the largest oil and gas find in the middle east.  Experts and officials expect the newly discovered oil field to be "on production" within five years.


  1. You'll never guess who I had breakfast with yesterday....

  2. Just passed you on I-35 North this warm Sunday morning and looked you up from the advertisements on your tailgate. :-) godspeed with your unique collection on the tour.
