The black roll #56 is from Annaba, Algeria and came from Leila Belakhdar who is a special education teacher at Leopold elementary school in Madison, WI. Leila and my daughter Mindy, work together there. The tape was bought in Algiers. Leila has been in the U.S. for 33 years and said she had trouble getting people to understand what she was looking for when she asked for Duct Tape. One of her friends suggested they try asking in French, chatter ten and this is what they got. Leila's husband is also from Annaba. He owns the Mediterranean Cafe on State street in downtown Madison and we had a nice visit with them about the tape and Algeria.
The roll on the right is from Belgium and was purchased in Brussels by Rick Finley. Rick grew up in Darlington, WI and was contacted by Don Osterday whom I taught with at Darlington High School for many years. Rick now lives in Wakeforest, North Carolina and was in Belgium this summer visiting his daughter. I will be sending Rick a couple of micro-rolls of key chain Duct Tape for his help in adding to the collection.
Keep checking the blog to see more about past and future rolls in the collection. If you want to help add a roll check the blog post index and click on the updated list of rolls post I now have in the collection.
Just heard back from the Healy, they are sending your tiny tape roll and photos.