Thursday, November 30, 2017

Fiji Roll Number 78

Steve and Sandy Koehler collected another roll of Duct Tape for the collection. This one from Fiji. He and his wife were working to build a Habitat house there. Standing in front of the finished house built for a local family. A World Duct Tape Coin number 78 (1 of 200) and the roll of Duct tape he got for the collection are also in the photo.

Here is a picture of the family that the house was built for. The mother works at a local resort and the father is a farm labor making less than $50 a month. Three of the children are in school the others are at home. 

Steve says he always seems to find Duct Tape at stationary stores in the countries he visits. Many of the hardware stores do not stock the kind of Duct Tape we use in the US.

The roll from Fiji was purchased in a small town outside the capital city of Nadi near the job site of the home building project.

A local wood carver near the building site caught Steve's attention as the "head crackers" he was carving reminded Steve of the Chi Lambda battle axes we carved to pledge the fraternity at Stout. The Fijians were cannibals many generations ago and a fierce tribe of people. Many have great wood carving skills. This carver told Steve he made his tools from broken chisels he could find.  

  The World Duct Tape collection continues to grow. This photo shows the rolls that I have received over the past few months. Soon I will have to place them on the map with the rest of the rolls in the collection for display. The goal is to have 100 rolls in the collection by the time of the 2108 OM World Finals in Ames, Iowa this year. For an up to date list of all the rolls in the collection click on this link. Good luck and keep traveling and an eye pealed for Duct Tape for the collection. Send me a roll and I will send you an engraved (1 of 200) World Duct Tape Collection Coin.