This blogs main purpose is to attract, post and promote the collection of signed rolls of Duct Tape from new countries from all over the world that have been sent to me to add to the World Duct Tape collection. Here are the latest four rolls. #56 Algeria, #57 Belgium, #58 Finland and #59 Croatia. The details on each roll were reported in earlier posts to this blog.
At this years 2015 OM World Finals I gave out over 100 micro rolls of duct tape (also explained in an earlier post) and have joined Facebook in hopes of tracking down a roll from Moldova and other countries that were there.
On another note... Chi Lambda
The battle axe in the picture is for another project, The Bad Axe Tour (explained in an earlier post). Started in 2001 an axe like the one in the picture is being mailed around to past Chi Lambda fraternity members. At the 2015 alumni meeting in Boulder Junction, WI I said I would post the travels of the axe also on this blog. So from time to time the axe will show up with the tape reports.
Can report Gerry Tietz has signed the axe and placed a DVD on the Paul Derby scholarship in the box and mailed the axe to Larry Schoenberger Chi Lambda '64. Hopefully Larry will contact me and let me know when he sends it on to another XV alumni in the near future.