Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Getting back to Duct Tape business


Well here are the latest rolls that have been added to the collection and a little bit about the tape and the people that have gotten these rolls. Going clockwise from left to right.
Roll # 92 from Madagascar picked up by Steve Koehler on mission build trip.
Roll #93 from Egypt by Tammy Boyle with fiancé who is from Egypt.
Roll #94 from Bob Boil while he was on a trip to Panama.
Rolls #95 Azerbaijan and #96 Uzbekistan from Sama Bilbo y Leon while on business for the World Nuclear Association.
Roll # 97 from Bolivia that Nick Hein a friend of mine asked his friend Norm Lee to get for the collection.

Now I will have to go to work mounting these rolls on the collection display boards. When the collection reaches the halfway point of 100 rolls I will begin working on a PR campaign to get rolls of Duct Tape from the remaining 100 countries.
Thanks to everyone for your continued support.
Dick Anderson   


Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Update to List of countries I NEED rolls from

 This is the list of countries I NEED roles of Duct Tape from as of 12-11-24

To date I have signed rolls of Duct Tape from 97 of the 200 countries in the world. When I reach 100 roles in the collection I will put on an all on, full court press to promote and complete the collection.

As the Bartles and James wine cooler advertising guys would always say, "And we thank you for your support.

Dick Anderson